What bookstores don't want you to know...

Occasionally I will put links to books I found helpful along my own personal journey, and I'm going to let you in on a little secret: I never pay the full price for a book!

I few years ago (almost a decade now) I worked for a bookstore (Borders Books to be exact) and I used to pick up all of my books there, and even with my discount I would often end up paying fifty or sixty bucks for two or three books; that's when I discovered Amazon!

I've talked to so many people over the years (all people not just witches) who didn't realize this site existed. They sell everything! This website is perfect for the witch or pagan who wants a great collection of study guides but can't afford them. Granted you will probably have to buy used books (although you can find new books for a cheap price).

I will put little Amazon carousels throughout my page that will lead to good books you can find relatively cheap if bought used (like under ten dollars cheap :) So the next time you're in that bookstore and you find that book you just have to have, look for it on Amazon first, because the craft shouldn't be outrageously expensive.

Brightest Blessings,
P.S. If you have any good books on your bookshelf please feel free to share!


clairedulalune said...

Hello! here is another website that is fantastic for books. Its at www.greenmetropolis.com They charge £3.75 for EVERY book and free postage if paperback! It's quite a find and worth checking it out!

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